Chocolate Almond Tapioca Pudding Slow Cooker Recipe

Tapioca pudding is the ultimate in comfort food. I made it the "normal" way during my 2008 challenge, and have used that recipe LOTS to wow the neighborhood kids during playdates. Its easy, it makes a TON, and keeps really well in the fridge. You can make a batch on the weekend and nibble all throughout the week. 
I wanted to kick the normal recipe up a notch for the new cookbook, and after opening and closing the pantry doors a bunch of times (you do that too, right? you stare at your pantry waiting for something to pop out?) I zereoed in on the cocoa powder I was given at the BlogHer Food conference. This is Scharfen Berger---its delicious, smooth, and kind of expensive. Its not something Id buy on my own, especially after learning that its owned by Hershey (might as well just buy the regular stuff!)


Anyway, I combined some of the cocoa powder with some almond extract because I was trying to recreate that yummy chocolate almond biscotti flavor. In tapioca.

because why not?

and it worked. I loved this. Adam loved this. My grandma, mom, dad, brother, and sister-in-law loved this.

the kids said they liked the "normal" one better...

The Ingredients.
serves 8 to 10
2 quarts 1 percent milk (half gallon)
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup small pearl tapioca (not instant)
3 large eggs
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 tablespoon cocoa powder

The Directions.

Use a 4-quart slow cooker. Combine the milk, sugar, and tapioca in the stoneware insert. Stir well to mix. DONT ADD EGGS yet!

Cover and cook on high for 2 to 3 hours. You are looking for the tapioca to soften slightly and get a bit slimy. This is still going to be very soupy---dont get worried!

In a mixing bowl, whisk the eggs, almond extract, and cocoa powder together. Measure out 1/2 cup of the hot milk and tapioca from the crock, and stir it into your mixing bowl. Then add another 1/2 cup and mix it together. And then another!

This is called tempering the eggs, and you need to do this so you dont end up with scrambled eggs in your pudding. Pour the egg mixture into your slow cooker and stir well to combine. cover and cook on high for 30 minutes to 1 hour, or until the tapioca has begun to swell and thicken.

Unplug the cooker, and leave the lid off for one hour to thicken even more. Stir again and chill thoroughly in the fridge.

The Verdict.

This works. The bit of cocoa and almond really adds a great depth to a traditional tapioca pudding and tastes fantastic. Ive been eating it for breakfast.

and for snack.

and sneaking spoonfuls each time I walk into the kitchen.

other stuff:
--- its the last week you have to read about my skin! (THANK GOODNESS) Ive got $100 Visa gift card up for grabs over at Totally Together Reviews.  And I wrote a bit about my typical morning routine. Which I thought was typical, but I guess it isnt?

--- Enter to win a FREE LAPTOP! FOR FREE!

--- Amy at Simply Sugar and and Gluten Free has a copy of the new cookbook to give away. And a copy of HER new cookbook. and a cranberry cheesecake recipe!

--- if you are reading this on a feed, youll notice that I went back to a full feed. I dont like partial feeds any more than you do. I dont like people stealing content either, but I like you all more than I dislike thieves, so Ive decided to get over it.

Merry Christmas!


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