How to Make CrockPot Crayons

Day 176.

Whats the best thing to do with old, broken crayons? Recycle them! This is a great rainy (or overly hot) day project, that is both fun and useful.

The Ingredients. --old crayons

--muffin tin or candy mold. I was ecstatic to find a 6-hole, throw-away muffin tin at the grocery store. I really want to try and make cupcakes. In order for it to fit in my 6qt oval Smart-Pot, I needed to trim the edge a little with some scissors, but afterward I did that, it fit nicely into the crockpot. My friends have candy molds that fit in their crock perfectly, and next time Im at the craft store Im going to look for them.

--kid helpers.

The Directions.

Sort the crayons into color families, and peel the wrappers off. It helps to soak the crayons in some warm water before peeling.

Break the crayons into small pieces, and load into the candy mold or muffin tin. Its best to mound the crayons up a bit; they will melt and shrink down.

Put the tin or mold into the crock, cover, and turn on. We cooked our crayons on high for 1.5 hours.

Once the crayons have melted completely, your crayons are done.
Let the hot wax sit in the crock and begin to harden before trying to remove the pan--- you dont want hot crayon wax spilled, or to get burnt.

Refrigerate the pan for 30 minutes, or until the crayons have hardened completely and pull away from the edges.
Pop out and enjoy!

The Verdict.

This was a fun project to do. We were surprised at how easy some crayons peeled, and how others needed to soak for quite a while to loosen the wrapper. We also noticed that crayola crayons sunk, while the generic crayons floated. The same thing happened in the melting process---the generic wax floated to the top, and the deep crayola color sunk to the bottom---which meant that in order to get a nice color, the kids need to use the bottom of the crayon. I will make these again. They were easy and the kids had a ball.


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