Fat burners do not fall into the trap

When we want to lose weight after a period of "food galore," one is tempted to remove the pounds quickly.

And yield to the temptation of proposals of products and foods called "fat-burning". Some are dangerous, some not. All under the illusion.

How we burn its fat?
This bold, often cursed when it is misplaced and too much is made of lipids nicely and well housed in cells called adipocytes.

The lipids may provide energy by transforming into glucose which is almost the only fuel our cells.

For this transformation to occur, there must be no more subject to glucose. Now, it has between 300 and 500 g in the form of glycogen stored in liver and muscles. Making between 1200 and 2000 calories (1 g glucose = 4 calories). Enough to keep a good time, almost a full day before fat does roll for providing energy.

Unless you spend more calories. And the only way to do this is to have a physical activity that you actually evacuate more than you eat it. In other words, moving you and doing sports.

This is the only way to burn your fat. No products, no food can substitute for physical activity.

Pills "fat-burning"
All pills "fat-burning" promise to make you miraculously melt more pounds in a week or two. Taking care, however, as a precaution, at the same time recommending a balanced diet.

They contain different ingredients, such caffeine, guarana, spirulina, chromium, L-carnitine, supposed to activate the metabolism and thus eliminate your fat faster. There are also fibers such as chitosan extract from the shells of crustaceans, which would capture the fat in the gastrointestinal tract.

There are also exotic berries, so miraculous, the acai style (the Amazon). Although they are rich in antioxidants, but it is unclear the relationship with fat!

In these "fat-burning" products, one that seems to be all the rage now is based on combining phentéphine methylhexaneamine, caffeine, carnitine and DHEA-L. But methylhexaneamine is classified as doping substances as close to ephedrine and amphetamines which are catastrophic for the heart and the nervous system. Like caffeine in high doses (about 500 mg) which is the case in many of these pills "fat-burning".

Green Tea and Caffeine
Caffeine stimulant of the nervous system active too, but very slightly, your thermogenesis, that is to say, your heat. This is one of thermogenesis research areas in the field of obesity. But for now, nothing conclusive was found.

This does not mean that caffeine is one of the substances deemed to melt fat like ice in the sun. While 200 mg (1 to 2 cups of coffee) mobilizing about twenty calories ....

Tea, green or not, contains caffeine (20 to 45 mg per 250 ml), which is nothing other than caffeine. It is also rich in all kinds of antioxidants, which gave him an aura of miracle product to do everything.

There are also a lot of caffeine in energy drinks (70 to 200 mg for 25 cl) and those based on cola (35 to 45 mg per can).

If we think of the billions of gallons of coffee, tea and all the drinks and absorbed the increase in obesity, common sense seems to show that caffeine does not lose weight spontaneously. But it stimulates urine output: unfortunately, when the pee, is removed from the water, not fat.

We know that beyond 500 mg per day, caffeine has adverse effects on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Useless, so to force-feed you coffee, tea or capsules containing caffeine, you will not lose weight but you will sleep badly!

Pineapple and lemon
The myth of pineapple that attacks the fat with his lethal weapon, the bromelain enzyme still holds up. This 4 x 4 MYTH whose brand is often seen decked accessories "Detoxifying", "anti-cellulite" and "anti orange peel".

But as this enzyme is now in the stem, it is still hard to swallow, here in capsules pineapple stem powder to € 12/15 120 of which must be consumed 4-6 day . Its not really dangerous, its stupid.

Eat pineapple dessert recipes to accommodate abound.

This is an excellent fruit, rich in fiber, welcome in winter.

As for the lemon, it is also supposed to make you lose weight, you detoxify and after the festive season, this is the lemon diet rightful track.

Use lemon largely to season your vegetables, salads, fish and even your meats. It is rich in vitamin C.

These two fruits will make you the most good but do not count on them to lose weight. They do not have the power like all other foods.

When you eat peppers or chili, it heats and it stings. This is the effect of capsaicin. According to some studies, this molecule would have the power to increase (some) basic metabolism, so energy expenditure. It would also have an effect on satiety it would also increase and so would eat less, so we maigrirait.

The capsules manufacturers have rushed into this niche and marketed products containing capsaicin not only this but also caffeine and other more or less desirable molecules. And they promise to burn 278 calories each day more. We appreciate the whimsical accuracy figure!

If you like it, put pepper in your diet, you risk nothing but do not expect much to melt in the coming days.

As for the pepper, its not the season. You will have time to marinate and consume input next summer. It is rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C.

So what do we do?
We eat soup every night, which is the best way to consume a lot of fat-free vegetables. And vegetables, it brings few calories, but high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Vegetable soup, thick and mixed well, does not lose weight but it does contribute satiating, triggering the process of satiety so you eat less later. Various studies have shown.

So, whats to stop you to take as lunch? With a slice of cold meat, yogurt and fruit, a good soup can easily carry and replace high fat meal in the canteen and / or McDonalds or sandwich.

With frozen natural vegetables, cooker and blender, a soup kitchen in 15 minutes. Also, it really is a seasonal dishes.

And we move! This obviously more effort, but it is essential.


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