This is the year that the media announce the best way to lose weight, but at the approach of spring, offers plans or formulas multiply miracles ... Do not take these dangerous traps!

Doctors, endocrinologists and nutritionists are seeing the damage caused by the restrictive and aberrant regimes ... Because if they are most often lose weight, in most cases they are followed by weight regain, and very often, to a greater weight regain.

Muscle wasting, beware: the pounds come back!

Explanation of Dr. John-Michel, (Head of the Nutrition Department): "The organization is well done, it protects weight loss, regardless of the initial weight, with the target return previous weight ". In the game, a little more complex mechanisms, but the reaction is always the same. With these plans at risk, especially low in calories and carbohydrates, sugars and starches, it works at first, but lean body mass, muscle, decreases. Moreover, once the plan is expanded, hunger, hitherto hidden by the production of ketone bodies (acetone) have an appetite suppressant effect, reappears and the pounds come back soon ...

Yo-yo dieting

Clearly, with this kind of schemes, as soon as re-eating a little more, because of hunger or stress for example, re-fating ... while eating less than before the diet. However, the recovery of weight, the fat cells are gorged with fat and muscles do not recover. Failure to understand this mechanism, the person starts a diet, lose weight and re-fating short, because of Yo-yo.

Lose weight without re-fating

Everyone does not lose weight the same way or with the same means, or with the same ease. But the important thing is not so much to lose weight as not to resume ... Women, more often candidates for weight loss than men, they become more reasonable? Are they starting to understand the harmful effects of drastic diets and repetition? A recent survey thousand women aged 18 to 65 years, While nearly three in four say they were "someday concerned about their weight," and if more than eight in ten say "pay attention to their line," the notion of regime in the strict sense is less common.
63% of women complain about the yo-yo effect
Although still acclaimed, plans have now bad reputation: 48% associate at highly negative emotions, fatigue (19%), irritability (14%), guilt (10%); 70% find them boring and 63% saw their yo-yo effect. Women also are aware, 94%, that sport is an effective method ... but 41% admit to not being able to keep that resolution.
No more fad diets?
Today, doctors nutritionists worthy of the name emphasized the need for comprehensive care with physical activity, taking into account the couple and family and, according to Dr. Edward Azam, , nutritionist London, messages begin to happen. "The concept of miracle diet, its over, and patients have a little more sensible goals. We went to adult nutrition. "One would like to believe ... It is true that, according to the Information Centre of slimming diet, the number of people following an unbalanced diet, Dukan head, declined 30% against 36% in 2011. Good news! Moreover, the TNS-barometer second on slimming diet foods indicates that they are consumed more occasionally and associated with common foods to easily control the calories and / or prevent nutritional deficiencies, that as the only way to diet. It is recommended that the pharmacist.

Maintaining weight

The hardest part is not to gain weight. Dr. Edward gives some advice.
An adequate intake of protein for proper fullness, 80 to 100 g / day.
High intake of dietary fiber varied to slow gastric emptying, increase satiety.
Drinking plenty of water for health, satiation and to remove.
Eat fish rich in omega 3 to reduce the cardiovascular risk associated with overweight or obese.
Resume physical activity to increase energy expenditure and redo muscles.
Pharmacist Advice
Phytotherapy. Moderators natural appetite, suckers and natural fat burning capsules, sticks, beverages or herbal teas.
Homeopathy. Case by case according to the profile.
Oligotherapy. Field modifier zinc-nickel-cobalt.
Food supplements to avoid deficiency.
Creams, gels or essential oils slimming massage with caffeine, algae or plants ...
Probiotic capsules to balance the intestinal flora and thus help to prevent unwanted pounds.


Dr. John-Michel  "The desirable weight is the natural equilibrium level that the body can maintain reasonable. »
At what point can we say that we are obese?
In my book, I attack with standards such as BMI or body mass index. We should talk about obesity in the plural, so great is the number of pathological situations. It should even be talking about obese people, because they are suffering, not diseases. We must take into account the personal and family history, age, morphology ... each requires a different treatment where food has its place of course, but not the only place. Any standard response is inappropriate. The consequences of overweight are not the same for different people. Excess weight in the stomach in an obese man, sedentary, low muscular, former smoker carries a high health risk and is more difficult to correct obesity from a young man, hypertensive, big eater, muscular, which cardiovascular risk. Obesity is not a homogeneous condition ...
What are the main mistakes?
Enter the trap diets or miracle formulas going too fast and too far, without trying to understand the ins and outs of his weight problem and doing without medical help. Compare with other people because all cases are different. Nutritionally speaking, do not take into account the quantitative aspect, or the notion of satisfaction is important. Finally, forget physical activity, because it is the key to not be re-fat again.


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